-Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite This assurance was given, and so in February the Imperial representatives made their appearance. By grace.maley. A. dissatisfaction with wealth of Church; poor people believing bishops were of the wealthy 5 Major Powers: - Russia becomes Dominant BALTIC POWER, Thirty Years war and weakened power of Estates in German Territories allowed elector to move towards consolidation of power Religious services in the vernacular. ~ removed from royal council, replaced with new titles { Nobles of the robe} -cooperation and collaboration rather than control -strong monarchy necessary to end chaos of war and rebellion, Manipulating Nobility: [21], In North America, France recognised British suzerainty over the Iroquois, and ceded Nova Scotia and its claims to Newfoundland and territories in Rupert's Land. - Prepared a document about the ongoing European Union's cooperation in Colombia. Pessimistic about man; optimistic about God. - St. Petersburg built as new Russian capital (1703) A. Smallpox infects natives and kills off almost 40%. [10], Great Britain was the main beneficiary; Utrecht marked the point at which it became the primary European commercial power. -- Habeas Corpus Act (1679). Some of the most famous Dutch painters of this period include, The Dutch Golden Age was also marked by a number of scientific and intellectual achievements. - more taxation The country was home to a number of talented artists and writers, and the prosperity of the period allowed for a flourishing arts scene. B. population increase --> emergence of the middle class. -- growing competition in the Germanies. [7], Several other treaties came out of the congress of Utrecht. The whigs opposed peace every step of the way. H. freedom --> a mind as well as a society free to think, free from prejudice. The 1707, 1715 and 1716 Nueva Planta decrees abolished regional political structures in the kingdoms of Aragon, Valencia, Majorca and the Principality of Catalonia, although Catalonia and Aragon retained some of these rights until 1767. This is a missed opportunity to reflect on the long history of our inter-relationship with Europe and the wider world. Finally, with the dominance of shipbuilding and its massive fleet, the Dutch formed the. overseas empire and Austria and Prussia over the leadership of Germany. Answer the following questions using the data in the attached table. The Netherlands was home to a number of important scientists and philosophers, and the country was at the forefront of the scientific revolution that took place during this period. (1337-1453) Long series of wars between France and England, (1521-1559) Series of wars in which France and the Holy Roman Empire competed for Italy, (1555) Treaty in which Charles V allowed regional Princes to dictate the religion of their lands, (1559) Treaty that ended the Habsburg-Valois wars, (1618-1648) war that started with the defenestration of Prague; the last major war to be started because of religion, (1618-1625) first phase of the 30 years' war; conflict between catholics and protestants; protestants lose at the battle of White Mountain, (1625-1629 second phase of the 30 years' war; protestant King Christian IV of Denmark steps in against HRE Catholics but is beaten by Albert of Wallenstein; in 1629 Ferdinand II outlaws calvinism in the HRE, (1630-1635) third phase of the 30 years' war; King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden beats Catholics at the battles of Breitenfield(1631) and Lutzen(1632); Adolphus killed at the battle of Nordlingen(1634) but Protestants gain momentum, (1635-1648) fourth phase of the 30 Years' War; France, Holland, and Savoy aid Sweden and Protestant Germans; only Spain helps HRE; 13 violent years that don't get anyone anywhere. Catholic South vs Protestant North (Union of Utrecht, declared independence 1581).England gets . [7], The Peace confirmed the Bourbon candidate as Philip V of Spain to remain as king. In the second half of the 17th century, England emerged as the dominant commercial power, and the Dutch Republic gradually declined. Peace of Augsburg. It allowed the unification of the thrones of France and Spain. B. the monarch of England now became the head of the Anglican Church as well. Had a right to choose the Holy Roman emperor with six other electors but possessed no political power. ~ belief 2 religions couldn't coexist in the same state The peace between Spain and the Dutch was delayed until June 26, 1714, and that between Spain and Portugal until the Treaty of Madrid (February 1715). this new-found wealth. -Revokes religious freedoms of Protestants -Philip V, a Bourbon, kept the Spanish throne, but had to renounce his descendants' rights to the French throne d. The War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) was a European conflict triggered by the death of the last Habsburg king of Spain, Charles II, in 1700. Be sure to use parentheses as needed. Established Prussia as a major military power / counter-balance to the Austrian Empire in Central Europe Initiated a long period of peace in central Europe (drained of resources) Partitioning of Poland Autonomous power of the Polish nobility remained intact and the Polish Diet proved to be an ineffective lawmaking body Ended the War of Spanish Succession. The twelve peers consisted of two who were. [citation needed], Under Article XIII, Spain agreed to a British demand to preserve Catalan historical rights, in return for Catalan support for the Allies during the war. 2016 - aug. 2016 6 maanden. ~Cromwell dissolves Parliament twice, Protectorate-> Military dictatorship Puritans. The Netherlands is a small, low-lying country located at the crossroads of Europe, and this gave it a unique advantage as a trading and transportation hub. Marked the end of French expansionist policy. Ap euro 37 - lecture notes; Ap euro 38 - lecture notes; . [39], The Dutch Republic ended the war effectively bankrupt, while the damage suffered by the Dutch merchant navy permanently affected their commercial and political strength and it was superseded by Britain as the pre-eminent European mercantile power. ~1559: Appoints half-sister as Regent-> Inquisition+ raise taxes By the treaty with Britain (April 11), France recognized Queen Anne as the British sovereign and undertook to cease supporting James Edward, the son of the deposed king James II. . LUTHER --> condemned corruption in the Church; believed priests should practice what they preached. strong in Spain --> expulsion of the Moors {Moriscos} -- vigorous foreign policy ( see 5-page sheets on Commercial & Dynastic Wars **) - Parliament became more Puritan, sought reform of Anglican church Due Monday April 20: Create timeline like last time ( below) - one overall course - other Early Politics - you can draw and send pictures, PowerPoint, or Google Slides: email to jeffraymond2002@yahoo.com. In April 1713 Louis XIV of France, his grandson Philip V of Spain and the British Queen Anne signed a peace treaty in the Dutch town of Utrecht. Chapter 14 AGE OF EXPANSION Gustavus Adolphus (1594-1632) - Duke of Alva (1508-1582 - Armada (1588) - Vasco de Balboa-Christopher Columbus- Concordat of Bologna (1516 - The Treaty of Utrecht, signed in April 1713, ended the wars between France and Savoy, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Prussia. Although the fate of the Spanish Netherlands in particular was of interest to the United Provinces, Dutch influence on the outcome of the negotiations was fairly insignificant, even though the talks were held on their territory. France accepted the Protestant succession on the British throne, ensuring a smooth transition when Anne died in August 1714, and ended its support for the Stuarts under the 1716 Anglo-French Treaty. The Netherlands was home to a number of talented artists and writers, and the country's prosperity allowed for a flourishing arts scene. System of international commerce -- costly, inefficient methods of tax collecting (nobility not taxed) [12], In a major coup for the British delegation, the British government emerged from the treaty with the Asiento de Negros, which referred to the monopoly contract granted by the Spanish government to other European nations to supply slaves to Spain's colonies in the Americas. One of the first questions discussed was the nature of the guarantees to be given by France and Spain that their crowns would be kept separate, and little progress was made until 10 July 1712, when Philip signed a renunciation. to the Protestant side in the Thirty Years' War. ** In emergencies= House of Orange takes Over***, Trade: Religious toleration, Bank of Amsterdam, finishing+ merchant fleet (offered lowest shipping rates, largest merchant marine, and depended less on export than transport, ~Dutch East India Company in 1602: private trading company Peace of Utrecht 1713, ended Louis XIV's attempts to gain military power and land. Mercantilism: form of capitalism, private Property based, highly regulated by Monarchy. (1648) Treaty that ended the 30 years' war: (1566-1587) revolt in response to Philip II's absentee rule, republic formed after the Revolt of the Netherlands, (1588) huge fleet sent by Philip II in an attempt to conquer Protestant England, (1667-1668) Louis XIV's invasion of the United Provinces, (1672-1678) Louis XIV's war against William of Orange; ended with treaty of Nijmegen, (1688-1697) war in which Louis XIV fought against the Grand Alliance of all major European powers, (1701-1713) war over the successor of Charles II "the sufferer"; Charles had selected Philip V Bourbon, his grand-nephew and Louis XIV's grandson to succeed him, going against a previous agreement that he would be succeeded by an Austrian; an alliance of European powers with troops led by Eugene, Prince of Savoy, and John Churchill fought against French and Spanish troops; the war ended with the Peace of Utrecht, (1713) Treaty that ended the War of Spanish Succession: treaties of Utrecht, also called Peace of Utrecht, (April 1713September 1714), a series of treaties between France and other European powers (April 11, 1713 to Sept. 7, 1714) and another series between Spain and other powers (July 13, 1713 to June 26, 1714), concluding the War of the Spanish Succession (170114). The former Spanish Netherlands, the Kingdom of Naples, Sardinia, and the bulk of the Duchy of Milan went to Emperor Charles VI. -- basic human rights that no government can take away: life, liberty, and property. -industries owned by Tsar (4/5 revenue went to military/war) Utrecht Area, Netherlands . Who wants to treaties using yumpu now you! Peace of Westphalia Signed in 1648; deadliest war in Europe; re establishes peace of Augsburg; puts end to religious warfare for the most part; creates power of diplomacy, doesn't let anyone get too powerful Absolutism Total power of a monarch with no governing body, set of laws, to answer to (Conservatism) Versailles Set a timer for 45 minutes. a parliament dominated by landowners and nobles of similar interests. Trevelyan noted: "The finances of the country were based in May 1711 on the assumption that the Asiento, or monopoly of the slave trade with Spanish America, would be wrested from France as an integral part of the terms of peace". Some of the most notable figures of this period include mathematician and philosopher Ren. These were five separate treaties between France and Great Britain, the Netherlands, Savoy, Prussia and Portugal. A. mercantilism --> the colony existed for the benefit of the mother country; a monpolistic global eco. [citation needed], The pro-French Electorate of Bavaria was knocked out of the war early on by the Battle of Blenheim (13 August 1704), forcing it to sign the Treaty of Ilbesheim (7 November 1704) and accept Austrian occupation until the end of the war. -1722 institutes TABLE OF RANKS: -Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite -replaced w/ Board of Administrators to run agencies (justice, war) in absence treaties of Rastatt and Baden. he improved Fr. ~ 1576: William "The Silent" of Orange -> Pacification of Ghent E. utilitarianism (Bentham) --> laws created for the common good and not for special interests. -- English Bill of Rights (1668-1689) --> it settled all of the major issues between the kings and ~ 1653: nobles given freedom from taxation, control over peasants in exchange for reduced role on politics News; Article reviews; Podcasts; esicm-tv; Sections; Coronavirus - Public health . -- he denounced the Pope for involvement in politics as well as religion. Maria . demography. -April 1640: Charles forced to call Parliament (needs $ fight Scots) This paper assesses what this inclusion signified to the treaty negotiators at Utrecht and what the balance of power meant to them both as a political principle and for its legal implications. B. corruption in Church leadership (ex. -- revoked the Edict of Nantes. -- Parliament now reigned supreme. The Asiento de Negros had come about due to the fact that the Spanish Empire rarely engaged in the transatlantic slave trade itself, preferring to outsource this to foreign merchants. The Netherlands was home to a number of important scientists and philosophers, and the country was at the forefront of the scientific revolution that took place during this period. 49. A. James I (1603-1625) -- supported absolute divine-right. (Lord Protector) -- Bibles were made accessible to the populous in the vernacular. -- built Versailles (keep the nobles under his watchful eyes!) AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2007 SCORING GUIDELINES Question 5 Analyze the factors that prevented the development of a unified German state in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. permanence/ role of Parliament, -Grand Alliance of England, Dutch, Austrians and Prussians Black Death --> economic and social upheaval. ~ Lutheran King Christian IV of Denmark eager to extend influence over coast towns of North Sea -> defeated by Maximilian As he had reigned over a vast global empire, the question of who would succeed him had long troubled . J. Puritans in England; Huguenots in France; Presbyterians in Scotland. Email me your results to jeffraymond2002@yahoo.com. D. Each person must deal with God directly -- each person is his/her own priest. Period of "creative breakup" Huguenots right to worship in selected areas/ fortified towns -Austria -- joint-stock companies. Perspective: Wars end recognition of minority religious rights, guarantee of traditional boundaries of political sovereignty. -- monopolies abroad (ex: French East India Company) ~ raised the Taille (main tax) but cost of 30 yrs war = large debt), -Continued anti-Habsburg policy -> ALL FOREIGN POLICY - fails unification due to religious differences Describe the terms of the Peace of Utrecht and their significance across Europe; Key Points. Spain was compelled to give Britain control of the lucrative West African slave trade and to let Britain send one ship of merchandise into the Spanish colonies annually, through Porto Bello on the Isthmus of Panama. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Write as mathematical expression. -- make France the intellectual and political "light" to the rest of the world. in other Spanish kingdoms. Nations had the desire for increased world power through their colonial empires. A. ~ completed Decline of Spain as a major Power The peace was negotiated, from 1644, in the Westphalian towns of Mnster and Osnabrck. In 1579 , southern provinces formed the Union of Arras and soon made peace with Spain and the northern provinces formed the Union of Utrecht . 1. -Don John's demonstration at Mediterranean against English+ France Enlightenment philosophes provided a major source of ideas that could be used to undermine Concluded between various European states, it helped end the War of the Spanish Succession (1702-1713). Petition of Right. ~War caused much Hardship and misery in France (Finances) oppressive class. sometimes seen as an "Enlightened Despot" (this is questionable). [I am the State!] Spains treaty with Britain (July 13) gave Gibraltar and Minorca to Britain. G. African slave trade established (Triangle Trade). AP Euro Wars. : H. development of the modern British political system: The Whigs even called the treaty a sellout for letting the duke of Anjou stay on the Spanish throne. The House of Hanover succeeded to the British throne and the former Spanish territories in Italy were ceded to the Habsburgs. the period of anarchy and civil war which followed the reign of Ivan the Terrible was known as . G. William & Mary --> "Glorious Revolution" (1688); a bloodless coup. ~nobility serve the army and the state Find the equation of the line that is tangent to the graph of the given function at the point (c,f(c))(c, f(c))(c,f(c)) for the specified value of x=cx=cx=c. IX. King of Spain from France during the first half of the 1700's. The Union of Utrecht (Dutch language: Unie van Utrecht ) was a treaty signed on 23 January 1579 in Utrecht, the Netherlands, unifying the northern provinces of the Netherlands, until then under the control of Habsburg Spain. E. Germany was the home of Luther and of many new, more theologically "liberal" universities. militarily. I. -- firm and uniform administration (intendants) Parliament (** see your notes for further details **) C. capitalism --> private ownership of the means of production and distribution; capital is invested in C. Strict interpretation of the Bible. [38] The dispute continued to loosen Habsburg control over the Empire; Bavaria, Hanover, Prussia and Saxony increasingly acted as independent powers and in 1742, Charles of Bavaria became the first non-Habsburg Emperor in over 300 years. A. monarchies resented the Church for not paying any taxes to the nation, but collecting taxes Utrecht (1713) 0. war. In return, Philip renounced the French throne, both for himself and his descendants, with reciprocal renunciations by French Bourbons to the Spanish throne, including Louis XIV's nephew Philippe of Orlans. AP Euro Age of Absolutism Timeline. V. Lutheranism: The first treaty, signed between France and Austria in the city of Rastatt, followed the earlier Treaty of Utrecht of 1713, which ended hostilities between France and Spain on the one hand, and Britain and the Dutch Republic on the other hand. -- new reform orders (Theatines, Capuchins, Ursulines, Modern Devotion, Oratorians). In 1566, the Netherlands revolted against Spanish rule, officially becoming the independent Dutch Republic in 1648. This 1721 document ended the Great Northern War and established the political geographic boundaries of Eastern Europe. [23], The successful French Rhineland campaign of 1713 finally induced Charles to sign the 1714 treaties of Rastatt and Baden, although terms were not agreed with Spain until the 1720 Treaty of The Hague. C. Avignon papacy and the Conciliar Movement --> breakup of papal power. Married clergy. B. John Locke Its destructive campaigns and battles occurred over most of Europe, and, when it ended with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, the map of Europe had been irrevocably changed. ~ nobility too concerned w/ rights/privilege/ status After Effects of the Reformation: Colombian Exchange: import/ export of plants, animals, disease between NW and Europe -Internal War: Spain sends troops to Ferdinand (Maximilian of Bavaria+ Lutheran elector John George I Saxony support) III. It weakened Great Britain's effort to replace France as leading colonialpower. E. the middle class wished to run their religious affairs as they handled their new businesses. The 18c became known After the split from Catholic Spain, Calvinism became the dominant religion. : East India Co. --> royal monopolies). England stabilized under constitutionalism after the Glorious Revolution, and France stabilized under the absolutist control of Louis XIV, allowing these nations to emerge as world leaders. G. Kept bishops for administrative purposes. Marked the end of French expansionist policy. -nobility class lost right of taxation, reduced power of Estates -Failed to distinguish between important/ trivial matters -Giant gap between privileged + unprivileged. Dispute followed the death of Charles II in 1700, and fourteen years of war were the result. The treaty was preceded by the asiento agreement, by which Spain gave to Britain the exclusive right to supply the Spanish colonies with African slaves for the next 30 years. 4 & 1,500 \\ Protestants everywhere must restore Catholic beliefs and practices. f(x)=x(x1);x=4, On a separate sheet of paper, explain the following term by using it correctly in a sentence. AP Euro Review Timeline Centuries - Major Events. -standing army increased from 38k to 83k -peasants in 25 year stints of service War of the Spanish Succession . -- Puritan Republic. The main treaties of peace followed on 11 April 1713. Patients' rights in the European Union Oxford Academic. -Bishop Jacques Bossuet: Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Scripture-> gov. -- never called the Estates-General. -gov't imposed Serf Labor forces Eighteenth-Century Spain 1700-1788 - W.N.Hargreaves- Mawdsley 1979-06-17 A History of the American People - Paul Johnson 1999-02-17 it first had to exercise effective control over territory, declare congo free state under leopold 2 control, estb rules governing race for african colonies, 1919 refused to allow either defeated germany of communist russia to participate in peace confernce negotations, forced germany to sign war-guilt clause that was used to justify imposing large war reparations, change map of europe, create league of nations, germany bitter, 1918 ended bolshevik russia participation in ww1, negotiated by vladmir lenin unwilling to risk bolshevik gains by continuing winless war, nullifed after germanys defeat, 1925 recorded agreement between france and germany to respect mutual frontiers, marked beginning of brief period of reduces tensions among european powers, 1938 created a nonaggression agreement between stalin and hitler stay neutral if one in war, east europe into german and societ zones, 1949 establish north atlantic treaty organization (NATO),implement harry trumans policy of containing soviet union, 1957 created european economic community, generally known as common market, beginning of european economic integration, 1975, ratified european territorial boundries post ww2, establish watch committees to monitor human rights in 35 nations that signed Helsinki accords, high point of cold war, create EU, central bank for european union, AP European History Important Events and Terms, Magruder's American Government, California Edition.

Gordon Smiley Cause Of Death, Articles P