It may be that Janet knew her first born son was not fathered by her husband so rather than naming him after the Hamiltons she named him after her father. coniferous and deciduous forests, perfect for building ships. Consequently, those interested in these Hamilton lines now have further avenues to explore by traditional genealogical methods. to I1; and YCAIIa,b=19,21 is universal to it. The fact that the results for the third cousins are so similar strongly indicates that there has been no non-paternal event in either of their lines since John C. A., the grandson of Alexander. Most of the groups in this Table are in the haplogroup I family with seven of them (I1-3 to I1-9) being in the haplogroup I1 family and three others (I2-1, I2-2 and I2-3) being in the haplogroup I2 family. the Vikings feared throughout coastal Europe and beyond. DYS462 In the SNP analysis investigators assigned capital letters to the various groups that have different initial SNPs. Scandinavia was a coastal culture. Haplogroup I1 and Haplogroup I-M253 are synonyms. I1-DF29+ represents 99% of all I1 lineages. Saudi Arabian Y-Chromosome diversity and its relationship with nearby regions. According to FTDNA, those marker sites shown in red in the table headings are ones that tend to mutate more rapidly. As indicated in the Table there are far fewer participants in each of the I1 groups in this table than in either Group A or B. Haplogroups R, Q, N, and O could very well be descendants of Japheth, since they are found where descendants of Japheth are traced to. R1b is commonly found in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Western France and North-Eastern Spain, whereas I1 exists predominantly in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, as well as Iceland, and also in smaller numbers in Finland. before their addition to this book and, therefore, to be a somewhat However, the common ancestor for the Bothwell and Stonehouse groups may be further back in time since the two groups do not match each other as closely although a probable RecLOH event in the Bothwell line may be obscuring how well they match the Stonehouse line. Otillar, R. King, L.A. Zhivotovsky, O. Balanovsky, A. Pshenichnov, K.H. This is expected to continue in the immediate future, especially since methods for sequencing all or parts of the Y-chromosome are becoming readily accessable. The Group X1 table has unmatched results for those with a haplogroup other than R1b1a2 while the Group X2 table has results for those with a haplogroup of R1b1a2. Haplogroup in Scandinavia The observation that the DNA profiles of several ancient and well established Hamilton lines do not match suggests that the Hamilton families who came to prominence in Scotland in the 14th and 15th centuries were not all initiated by one male, but rather were a small number of closely allied families who took the Hamilton surname and who were possibly related through marriage. Outside of Scandinavia, Britain is the place where youre most likely to find people with Viking heritage as the Vikings settled here and colonised. EM GN398 Familjen Larsson, Torshlla ca 1900", "I Did A DNA Test (I Guess Im Cancelled Now)", "Andrsen, Frnskog & Hansen family research", "Personer med namnet Andresen |", "Bjrn Andresen: Min passion fr mamma blev aldrig besvarad Katarina Hahr mter", "FamilyTreeDNA Pine/Pyne Genealogy DNA Project", "Bianca Salming om relationen med Brje: "Knner mig hemsk", "Reference SNP (refSNP) Cluster Report: rs9341296", "Reference SNP (refSNP) Cluster Report: rs13447354", "Ancient genomes from present-day France unveil 7,000 years of its demographic history", "Ancient DNA reveals lack of continuity between neolithic hunter-gatherers and contemporary Scandinavians", "Survival of Late Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherer Ancestry in the Iberian Peninsula", Danish Demes Regional DNA Project at FTDNA,, M253, M307.2/P203.2, M450/S109, P30, P40, L64, L75, L80, L81, L118, L121/S62, L123, L124/S64, L125/S65, L157.1, L186, L187, Burial SF11 Date: 7500 BP - The first is a DNA sample from a, Burial BAB5 Date: 7300-5900 BP - The second is an individual sample from Balatonszemes-Bagodomb labelled BAB5, from Neolithic, Burial RISE179 Date: 4010-3776 BP - Additionally, the third ancient I1 sample is from an individual found in a. Burial oll009 Date: 3930-3750 BP - The fourth ancient I1 sample predating the Nordic Bronze Age (1700500 BCE) is labelled oll009 and was sequenced in the study titled "The genomic ancestry of the Scandinavian Battle Axe Culture people and their relation to the broader Corded Ware horizon". With archaeological evidence It was initially quite surprising that they differ at 3 marker sites because they are first cousins twice removed; H-054 is the grandson of a first cousin of H-014. A haplogroup is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. The Sinclair family has members who show the tell-tale markers The Saami of the north were oriented towards the west as far It is likely that Walter Fitzgilbert himself is the ancestor for most Hamiltons in Group A but the results would be consistent with some in Group A being derived from earlier male ancestors or male cousins of Walter Fitzgilbert. The fact that the DNA profile for H-054 is identical to that for a suspected relative (H-232) is further evidence that the mutation has occurred in the line of H-014. Most of the analyses reported here were performed by Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) but some participants had their DNA analyzed by DNA Heritage (DNAH, now no longer in existence) or by Ancestry and some of the data was extracted from the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF) database. The foregoing analysis suggests that all Hamilton participants in Group B are male line descendants of just one person, namely James1. Before a reclassification . But I believe it's worth noting as it My own theory is that the Saami arrived from a northern route and Other authors have said that Odin was real. (pronounced "Sar-mee") people of the north and those of Germanic A value of 12 at DYS640 is also quite unique to the Group B Hamiltons. The earliest Danish farmers used stone tools and weapons. I and J were subsequently distributed in Asia and Europe in a disjunctive phylogeographic pattern typical of "sibling" haplogroups. Haplogroup I1 is believed to have been present among Upper Paleolithic European hunter-gatherers as a minor lineage but due to its near-total absence in pre- Neolithic DNA samples it cannot have been very widespread. peoples gained influence. R1a-Z284 Scotland, England and Ireland. about 700 AD. Recently it has been observed that the Hamilton I1-6 profile matches that of an Osborn profile (Family Group 9). This is not too surprising since the R1b1a2 haplogroup is by far the predominant one among British men (see later). Haplo E, G, & more I Groups Within I-S23 Who knows? (Karafet 2008). In our Hamilton DNA project are individuals with eight such surnames, including Arthurs (A-214 and A-363) Baker (B-324) Coates (C-424), Frame (F-204), Filby (F-313), Johnston (J-406), Morrison (M-183), Wormley (W-532) and Yates (Y-385). "A modal haplotype for all of I1 would not be meaningful because the 1 belong to I-FT396000 . As an example of these methods for naming haplogroups, those in our Hamilton Group A are currently named by the first method as I1a2a1a1a1 and by the second method as I-L338. Germanic lands and to have survived primarily on hunting. Thor Heyerdahl proposed that Odin, long regarded as a mythical god, was New SNPs continue to be identified at a fairly rapid pace. The first mutation that gives rise to subclade I2 appeared 7,750 years ago*. Wdanaz In organizing the table attempts were made to keep clusters of similar results together but it should be emphasized that all those in this group are quite closely related with a common ancestor for all of them probably living within the past 500 to 1000 years. I1 yDNA Haplogroup. The territory of Sweden was The most plausible scenario is that all the survivors were populations living in Africa, whose descendants would go on to populate the world. to the time of the Greek and Roman writers is very difficult. For example SNP L22. of immense weight. The 8 contributing males living 5000 years after the founding of I-haplogroup were certainly not the total population of living I-haplogroup males of that time. Thus, all male line descendants of James1, including those of his son Sir James Hamilton, the first Lord Hamilton (subsequently referred to as James2), would have the Group B DNA profile. In this regard the close similarity of the DNA profiles for P-231, S-327, N-343, F-475 and R-481 to those of the foregoing imply that they may be derived from the same immigrant Hamilton ancestor even though their surnames are not Hamilton. HAMILTON SURNAME DNA RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, Prepared by Gordon Hamilton, Project Coordinator, 1. A The four members of Group R1b-13 are all members of Swedish Hamilton lines and are known to be related as indicated in the Ancestors table. No one knew anything about it, least of all the little boy; it didnt affect his life at all. The foregoing discussion cannot be considered definitive concerning the deep ancestry of the participants but they do suggest what this ancestry might be. However about 4,000 BC farming was introduced into Denmark. Haplogroup after the period of the LGM. Chow, A.A. Lin, R.P. Now it is time to explore your Haplogroup and your Modal Haplotype. as Iceland and Greenland. [91], Haplogroup I2a1b-M423 is the most frequent Y-chromosome haplogroup I-M170 in Central and Eastern European populations, reaching its peak in the Western Balkans, most notably in Dalmatia (5060%[30]) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (up to 71%,[92] avg. Knowing very little of genetic genealogy, I don't know . 129 8. The earliest documentation of I1 is from Neolithic Hungary, although it must have separated from I2 at an earlier point in time. Since the SNP pathways to the other three Hamilton I1 groups (Groups I1-6 to I1-8) are not known, one does not have a good estimate of when they separated from one another or from Groups I1-1 to I1-5 and I1-9. By its nature this RecLOH event had to have occurred in the line of H-014 in the generations from the most recent common ancestor (the grandfather of H-014) of the two participants. [5][6] The oldest I-M170 found is that of an individual known as Krems WA3 (lower Austria), dating from circa 33,000-24,000 BP. His descendants are primarily found among the Germanic populations of northern Europe and the bordering Uralic and Celtic populations, although even in traditionally German demographics I1-M253 is overshadowed by the more prevalent Haplogroup R. Haplogroup I1-M253 is the most common I subclade. you can see, just below that are the indicators of deeper SNP testing If you can follow the changes that are printed on the Y-chromosome that your ancestors have bequeathed, you will learn a lot about your ancestors. By 800, these Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. . Recent further research has indicated that some Robertson families in Scotland were closely associated with some Hamiltons there, so possibly when surnames came into use two closely related families took different surnames. ISOGG - Look up positions on Y-SNPs : Furthermore, the current DNA results can pinpoint the probable conception where the non-paternal event occurred. tracking these folks in Northern Europe during the time from 8,000 BCE As has been discussed in several publications (the best is probably the 1933 book by George Hamilton titled "A History of the House of Hamilton"), many established Hamilton lines in Britain and elsewhere trace their ancestry to Walter Fitzgilbert de Hamilton but a careful reading of the evidence for some of the early connections indicates that many are on tenuous grounds. For each group it is useful to focus on marker values that occur infrequently because their presence in a particular group is what really distinguishes one group from another. Iceland, and northwest Europe. [7][8], Haplogroup IJ was in the Middle East and/or Europe about 40,000 years ago. The DNA from some Stevens/Stephens lines has been analyzed and none of those results match Group I1-5 well, although the results for kits 200067 (33/37 versus the modal for Group I1-5) and 220351 (59/67) are just outside the realm usually considered as matches. What a DNA test can share is whether some of your descendants were part of an ancestry line that passed through Scandinavia between 793AD and 1066AD. 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