love p. Thanks for connecting and Merry Christmas to you too. forgotten to say: the 12.dec. So there are opposing forces to contend with, some difficulty in getting her message across. I met her in 1997 at a conference where I had a reading with her and sat with her at her table quite a lot. Firstly with regards to: a combination of bloodroot, aloe vera, zinc chloride and chaparral to get rid of skin cancers would that be for a topical application or (dare say) internally? Uranus in the 3rd might also have something to do with an unusual way of speaking? Sometimes certain psychological conditions require medication, but only maybe. Then in 2011 I worked with Child Abuse a government department that deals with criminal families/parents who abuse their children. Found this article and Im glad theres so much info! I have Hygeia at 0 Leo, conjunct Venus in late Cancer and Saturn in early Leo in the 11th house. A genuine desire to heal yourself suggests needing shamanic healing via the Chironic mode in tandem with a good, experienced naturopath/herbalist/kinesiologist. How else might I best use this transit? Her symbol is the serpent twining around the staff of Mercury, the psychopomp; the one god who could rescue people from death. This is the second new planet, or dwarf planet, or "plutoid," to be officially named, after being referred to as "Easter bunny" for three years by its discoverer, Mike Brown. Yerba Mate tea works wonders for colon cancer and prevention if you dont already drink it. (also have an eclipsing full Scorpio Moon conjunct Pluto in the 1st house). Awesome. And while Venus is conjunct the MC on Dubhe and Pluto is in a square to the MC. I just found out last night she is transiting my sun in the 5th house and have been able to have a good session with her on childhood wounding in fact where my needs as a baby havent been met and how that plays out as neediness now. Hygeia used in the positive sense in our chart indicates that we become our own Master and take control of our destiny. But I digressUranus is also making a 6-degree conjunction with that Saturn. In another instance a old first friend took me to see departed dad and he and touched hands and I felt such a strong connection and woke up to cry. Hygeia in the second house also relates to the way we eat, how much and what we eat. Hygiea is also opposite Vesta the asteroid of the Sate in the 8th house of politics. yet just two things stand out the most now. I feel like I have been a massage therapist just to pay karmic debt. As I am a professional astrologer I have a computer programme with different asteroids as well as the planets and points. Her Hygeia trines harmoniously Jupiter in Pisces in the 3rd house of communication and sextiles her North Node in Virgo (health) in the 9th house of publishing. I have considered that its simply a desire to heal myself rather than something that will develop into work although Im happy if my journey takes me that way. If need be then look for chiriron because if he is in trines or sextile to planets he is a healer 6. And I hope you are doing better health-vise! He very well could have been an artist with his ASC ruler, Venus conjunct his Mercury, Sun, Neptune and Uranus in his third house. Consequently, Hygeia seems to symbolize health energies within the self, the mastery of ones self and problems, internal locus of control and self-esteem necessary to face challenges, and clear communication with the dreamy, dead parts of self that lie in the unconscious and in the past (which include this life, past life and ancestral past. Well, it definitely needs more thought, thats for sure. Im grateful to the influences of Vega and Ursa Major on my chart, they definitely are quite a weaponry in my pocket that can be used for good-deeds. This conjunction can also mean we fear knowing something, or fear the worst, in this case hypochondria. What a wonderful career you have and so many interesting hobbies. Despite its size, due to its dark surface and larger-than-average distance from the Sun, it appears very dim when observed from Earth. PART 1: ORANGE AURA SOMA COLOUR THERAPY) Copyright by Hilary Bond PhD. But my recommendation to you if you do decide to specialise as a psychologist is that you also specialise in counselling, because many psychologists are very abrasive and uncaring because they dont really understand people. When ever I look at her name I can not help it but see the name of Gea, Earth that vibrates high-HY balanced male-female energy so pure, that heals by touching anything that comes near Her, I love that about her and she is very much part of your soul imprint, too. Aloha! 18Tau13 transit. . So yes, I will be definately take some more time to look into Hygeia now. Ami Anne Moderator . I do hope something of what I have written helps you. My primary totem is the black panther, which I did confirm via shamanic journey. Trauma harms the physical body as well as the soul and it harms our neurological processes. Thank u for a wonderful insightful work. In 2019 scientists revealed that Hygiea is nearly . The only natal points being aspected are asteroids at 8-9 Gemini ~ The Moirae, Ophelia, Circe, Nemesis ~ indicating psychic healing pressure points. Like me she combines astrology with mystical experiences. 5. I usually give 1.30 degs for the small asteroids. Nice to meet you! Thankyou so much for your very positive feedback on my article on Hygeia. They need to learn self-empowerment. Thankyou so much for sending me your treasured information. 9- You know the upcoming year will be a "big" one (in a transitional sense) when the Solar Return Sun forms a hard angle with the Solar Return Moon. My friend said not to worry, they are not dangerous, yet I had to force it to get it off of my toe. For example they may mean are you a Rock person, Rainbow person, a Bear person, Star woman or a saltwater person? I currently writing a book on Hygeia but it may not be complete for a couple of years. So they realised that traumas buried deep in the past can effect current life situations and reveal themselves dreams. If you do any research on the Halley research centre, theres a video on their website that says they look at global population dynamics in atmosphere conditions. So now you have a vision of the ultimate Hygeia as very strong and self-assured. Im grateful to find a lengthy post on Hygeia, and I very much relate to your description of the energy. I really enjoyed your letter. I have always been into herbalism, learned by my gran, grew up with homeopathy, trained in Kinesiology, did a degree in social work with emphasis on family therapy but knew straight away that I did not want to work as a social worker. And the dead I engage with at times of late. So interesting! Its one or two years at least since I have heard from you. Change). The intention of honoring and emulating one archetypal energy of feminine divinity suggests that all people (women, minorities, and anyone other people) are equally sacred and inestimately precious. I suspect with your mention of chaparral, blood root, zinc and aloe vera the asteroid Medea is strong in your chart, plus the asteroid/planetoid Ceres (plants and cereals) and Saturn for skin. The serpent that Hygeia holds symbolizes the soul, deep wisdom, and healing. P.S. If we see Hygeia as the Roman Hygeia of social welfare Karl Marx had Hygeia in the second house in militaristic Aries midpoint his Sun in compassionate Pisces and Eris in socially minded Aquarius in the 12th house of the collective mind. Pestilence and disease flourish where filth, darkness and impurities accumulate. Ha, ha, ha. So I am simply following a message from the dream world and am so grateful and amazed by how I feel after reading several of your Hygeia articles so I have to say firstly, thank you Ms. Hilary. She also had two other medical sisters: Panacea ('Cure-All') and Iaso ('Remedy'). On Oct 8th, BML was within a degree of the USA's natal Hygiea. You are often expected to rely on your charm and good looks to advance in life. I have Mercury in the 12th and a Mars in the first in Pisces and a Pisces Asc. I always say prayers of thanks and for protection from my divine guides twice daily and that helps. He is a gifted healer who uses hands on healing. But you didnt write to me to hear that. But what medication? Your heart is a glowing planet. More recently, I became certified as a wellness coach and Chakradance facilitator. The heroic theme could be added as well, since Hygeia is in an expansive, tight Trine to Saturn on Altair in the 3rd conjunct my Draconic Pluto tightly on Altair by 1:00 (a bonus a spiritual-depth, owing to the Draconic influence). You do not have to study counselling at university although I did a masters degree in it. Pattern recognition is so important in dealing with people. I do hope the headway you are making continues. 18Tau01 prog You mentioned youd like to know Hygeia placements so here goes! FOR THE LOVE OF FOXES: MYTHS, STORIES, VIBRATIONAL ESSENCES, FOX SPIRITS & ARCHETYPES. Without getting into too much detail she was a daughter of Asclepius, who was himself the God of Healing, and the original Greek sources assign to his daughters various aspects of healing process with Hygeia being given rulership of cleanliness specifically. In the temple of Vesta, a sacred fire was burning continuously, and it was the duty of the priestesses to tend it. In most Jewish cultures, Lilith was known as a demon, but the ancient Babylonians actually revered her as a goddess of the feminine. Thankyou for writing to me Siya and I do hope you have a lovely day. Go For it. I am a voluntary translator of your articles of monthly horoscope now. I guess for me a strong 8th house (Moon in the 8th) and Saturn in Scorpio; Pluto aspecting my Sun and Pluto in the 6th house. I love your work and thank you for sharing your wisdom with us Love to all sides of you, Dea. Chef, I use a frequency machine now called Spooky 2 to wipe out skin cancers. mendocino county sheriff warrant search Twitter. time sometimes does not matter at all, as I see the date when your great article came to visit me. Hi Jamie, how would you see a Saturn transit (conjunction) to Hygeia playing out? made the perfect trine complete with It is slow but is better than the blood root which leaves scarring. 13Ari00, transit conj. Jupiter in the 6th is such a great placement for getting work and great work at that. HYGIEA: SYMBOLS, SLEEP, DREAMS, SHAMANIC HEALING AND HYPNOTHERAPY. In transits we see her as wellbeing or not. I included asteroid Hygeia out of interest and it was most interesting. So what kind of healing alternative healing is good for me? If nothing else at least my mind! Okay, well, thank you again! If you have stressful aspects to Athena you may have auditory or visual perceptual problems, colour blindness, dyslexia, autism, poor hand-eye coordination, poor problem solving ability, limited vision or hearing, learning difficulties or disabilities or at the very worst mental retardation (which also can be tied in with an abusive childhood environment which can lower the IQ by 30 points.) It is also a symbol of transformation, deep understanding of the deepest levels of oneself (including any trauma and power: self-empowerment. . I really emphasise that you purchase Michael Newtons books on life in between life (The Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls ) which is known by the Tibetan Buddhists as Bardo. If he's conjunct your natal MC than your life's direction will change, likely with force. Vesta was worshiped as the guardian of the Romans. Can you recommend an online ephemeris to find out where Hygeia is in my chart? Asclepius was the father of Hygeia, Laso, Aceso and Panacea, all Goddesses associated with healing, health and medicine. I love astrology. Thankyou for writing Chef Michael. Within a couples of hours either side of 10 pm, the Moon was on the fixed star Ras Alhague, the brightest star in constellation Ophiuchus (Aesculapius), the father of Hygeia. This transit is positive as well as painful, destructive and revelatory. Hi Annette, All RightsReserved. (Surprise!) The world is short on mathematicians and always short of psychologists now. The two people do things the same way, and are driven similarly. How lovely of you to write your sweet letter. I also have Hygeia very prominent in my 6th exactly opposite Venus. Hi again Annette, She denotes our type of intelligence and style of perception, our capacity for inspired vision, intuition, curiosity, genius. It is a hybrid. Hygeias properties are the most poorly known out of the big four objects (Vesta, Juno and Athena as well as Hygeia) in the asteroid belt. In those texts, she is seen as powerful and protective. Hi Hilary! Im so intrigued that my dreams are telling me to familiarize with Hygeias energy (seeing as how She is Dream Therapist) as a part of a message about leadership, namely, how to be independent and self-directed in a more balanced way. Jung believed that we become self -aware and heal our soul through rediscovering and connecting with the archetypal world. I am an artsy 5th house Scorpio with Cancer rising and a Virgo moon tightly conjunct Venus on the IC, with a Pisces midheaven (with Jupiter semi-sextile the midheaven in the 10th). Patience..still a work in progress. I have re-posted this article on asteroid Hygeia because the New Moon on 28 May 2014 is conjunct Hygeia by only 10 orb. I am wondering what a north node conjunction might mean? Medication, if carefully considered, can be the best option for some people. I have learnt lot of holy trinity between Scorpio, snake-Serpent and Eagle. To do what is best to do, to be happy and fulfilled yet being able to help human beings understand their hearts deeper and for good. I worked with adoption agencies and families who foster and police. In recent years, I become interested in herbal remedies. I did get to great health states but world keeps knocking me back and this time its hard to respond again. When I had theoperation today, Hygeia was conjunct the Midheaven and sextile my Hygeia. PS how has the Pluto conjunct ascendant process been going for you (we share the same Asc!). Im pretty happy now(death can fix Nothing, but more to fix next time we come to earth) , battled through suicide tendency in very young age(10-24), study astrology definitely helped me a lot back then and now. Venus conjunct asteroid Hygeia in Aquarius 12:04 (UT) Venus and Hygeia are on the Sabian symbol :- A Large White Dove Bearing A Message Degree Venus and Hygeia 19Aq22' Distance and time make space for inner clarity. Hilary , Pingback: A Spoonful of Sugar :: Cosmic Weather Forecast for November 6th - 12th - Lilith Rebellion. !! finding my Hygeia at Aquarius 0 degree opposite my Black Moon, and 4 degrees conjunct Sun(following with Moon, Mars) in 12 house. I have read Michael Harners and Sandra Ingermans books. Her temples were frequently located upon the sites of sacred wells which had healing properties, just as Mother Marys wells are full of healing waters on the Michael Mary leylines in Britain and the Athena wells on the Apollo-Athena line which stretches from Skellig off Ireland through Mont Saint Michel through Italy, the Holy Land and Greece are also healing places. I have just sent you an email. Very strange. Burnout for those who try to save the world. I qualified as a counsellor instead and I learned biodynamic therapy, am learning bioenergetics (postural/structural integration), and plan to learn more about bodynamics. She also had two other medical sisters: Panacea (Cure-All) and Iaso (Remedy). (ha, ha, ha.) Hygeia can be viewed as a spiritual framework or as a convenient classical analogy depending upon your own orientation. Hygeia is health personified and confident mastery of ones self. i. Id like to know what they brought. With our soul out to dinner we may not be able to do that. I am sure you take Hygeia in the context of your chart. Any idea what that might mean?? In regard to your question. Hello Dea, Last Updated on November 11, 2015 by Jamie. However testing a time you have whilst shes busy, youre always left in much better shape when she has finished with you. The Klimt Hygiea Art can inform you about an asteroid. Some people do not have that happen in a life time. Have a look on the net. Depending on the transits. Sun Moon Jupiter in Gemini!) HELLO TO NEURAL FOLIAGE FROM DOCTOR HILARY BOND. Even reading Belinda Gores The Ecstatic Experience: Healing Postures for Spirit Journeys and then connecting with the Cuyamungue Insitute in New Mexico. It will be draining to work with people if you are a computer. Smile. snake had a teeth like a dragon, not like a snakesmall teeth in half circle up and bellow in her mouth, It was a bit strange, yet I had not felt fear since I know a great deal of my real star map inheritance, being a Scorpio born and Ophiuchus ascendant. Here rather then the Wife/Mother (Moon), or even the Beautiful Maiden/Girlfriend (Venus). Sanitation comes from the Latin root sanare to heal and includes the ideas of sanity and the sanitarium. Pluto square Pluto transit forces you to transform and regenerate. Congratulations. (LogOut/ I guess I should just be happy I have health care and get promptly tested for issues and just keep on keeping on. Hygeia, located in the main asteroid belt, is the fourth-largest asteroid in the Solar System, after Ceres, Vesta and Pallas. The Jupiter trine Neptune is a wonderfully grounded spiritual placement, as though the divine permeates you in your every day behavior. 3. Through his Hygeian aspects to his MC and IC we can see his holistic approach to spiritual- mental psychotherapy. So as the personification of health, cleanliness, and sanitation, we might consider that asteroid 10 Hygeia relates to these things in astrology. Aquarius is my signature sign I was born during January 1999 during that time there was a great rise in autistic children being born at that time, I too have Aspergers as well. The quincunx is an aspect of health, usually some imbalance. Meditation can lead to important life insights and greater peace in ones life. Another friend has Hygeia in the 8th house in Gemini, midpoint Saturn Mercury. which states: Though I am quite good at holding the space until it reveals itself at a later time. I treat doctors as equals and Ive always connected quite well with them. Maybe it could help me with finding my true vocation, a career that makes me happy. Hi Hilary, At least I ave found an explanation for all of this, which at least should help with healing. Hygeia Conjunct Chiron in Pisces/Aries Here we have two of the great healing archetypes meeting, a form of sacred marriage between the kundalini goddess of healing and the Wounded Healer, Firstly, have a look at the current Nova article which gives you a broad overview of the swirling psychic astrological environment of this month. They were 5-6 and we had such fun. Alzheimer disease is a neurodegenerative disease that affects memory, speech, and orientation. Maybe Ill look you up next time. I feel really good about having cured any possible but unknown cancers too. Other astrologers have said as much which I will mention later. I am writing this while eating potato chips and waiting for a can of coke to arrive to make an alcoholic cocktail. You will find my email address at He was supposed to call me back but never did. In my chart, 12H Aesculapia in Leo trines my 8H Aries BM Lilith/Sedna conjunction, sextiles my 2H Libra Sun and forms an exact quintile with my 3H Jupiter in Scorpio (conjunct 2H Mercury-Neptune). The famous doyen of nutrition and dietetics, Adelle Davis had Hygeia in her 7th house in Cancer (the masses). Could you send me another post letting me know yes or no to letting me have your short biography regarding your wellbeing and your birthdetails and I can email you. My aim is to integrate these three separate body psych orientations into one stream. At most oppositions, Hygeia has a magnitude that is four orders lower than Vestas, and observing it will require at least a 100 mm (4-inch) telescope, while at a perihelic opposition, it may be observable with 1050 binoculars. One thing that came up for me, as I read your article, is that I associate the bowl that Hygeia carries with the womb. I have only discovered/heard about Hygeia today and a blogpost I read about it mentioned this post as really in-depth. It seems that they have discovered that these worlds once were extraordinarily hot, but they eventually cooled from the outside, forming a crust around a molten core. (Look at the 8th house symbolism here.) . 7) she is called the wife of Asclepius; and Proclus ( ad Plat. Pallas Athena measures 350 miles, Vesta 310 and Juno 140 miles. Eros is looking for his equal to explore the realm of creative intimacy. he was beautiful and I found his pluto in gemini conj. PS if Virgo is the handle of a bucket or fan chart you can look at the qualities of a healer. Why did I ask about you being a shamanic practitioner? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Its lovely that you take the time to acknowledge everyone, unusual too these days I think. Thankyou Hilary. Thank you for your in depth article. We also had a mud pit much to the delight of the children, but not to the delight of the parents. (The world of theta vibrations- the collective unconscious and the Dreamtime have no time, so when I enter that vibration we can work without the constraints of time. ) Hopefully I dont have many sides because with all the work I have done therapy, healing courses, university courses in psychology and counselling, teaching Ive done and at my age I am fairly much self-actualised. Thank you Hilary for this informative article on Hygeia. Would you like to comment and would you like to contribute your Hygiea conj NN and your experience to my book. My life is somewhat unrecognisable these days from even 1 year ago. I will be working on Hygeia in the last 6 months of this year. old mind, but shes a tough cookie. In todays frenetic pace and myriad negative energies whatever healing you seek- psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, dream therapy, shamanic journeys, herbs, kinesiology, yoga, diet, exercise we need to be holistic and be practical, and here-and-now in our intention. According to Jung, our soul speaks to us in this language of images through dreams and through archetypal symbols. Mars on the ASC (exact). And thanks for the kind compliment about my heart is a glowing planet. I do like to tell folks I have a bad back but a good heart. . All RightsReserved. Every time I use it to cure an infection etc. What an immensely helpful presence you are in our world. hygea an exact trine/sextile to the galactical Center / MC) I hope you enjoy this article. There have been recurring issues for me with my health over the last two years. I found out recently that I have my Moon in conjunct with Hygiea. Yes, sometimes I do have an open dialogue, but some people share such personal and sensitive topics with me that I dialogue with them by email, which stops their information becoming public. I am really due for some good news and relief but right now I am just discouraged. I set the frequency machine on a number of skin cancer settings on a detoxification setting and it runs for 24/7. for us all. Hygeias healing in ancient Greece was held in sleep temples. I have lots of famous people (doctors, nurses of repute, famed sanitation people, social workers, shamans etc) to grace my pages, but I want ordinary people so an audience can identify with ordinary Hygeia people.. I would love to know you better, I feel in my heart you are a lady, sister, that I would love to be friend with, if you would feel the same. And I am not surprised that my article flushed you out. What house is your Moon conj Hygeia and what aspects do you have. That really is spectacular. Hippocratic doctors from the 300s onwards gradually formulated a philosophy of hygiene that covered every possible aspect of health mind, body and environment. Athena conjunct Venus in the 10th sounds powerful! PhEw! This asteroid has very strong feminine energy. I have another friend, a shamanic practitioner who has Hygeia in his first house conjunct Mars conjunct Ascendant in Gemini. I worked/taught in violent-low socio economic schools from 1996-2009 and did my PhD in that time on a tribal aboriginal community. My health has not been good most of my life, but when it is good life is wonderful so I know that wasting my life would not be wise. She was in charge of cleanliness and how to live a long life (preventive medicine). my Aquarius Sun Moon Mars and 29 degree Capricorn Mercury all squaring my Chiron in 3rd house. Thus snakes were also associated with healing. The Romans named her Salus. He also is a great networker with his construction world friends who use alternative health therapies. Louis Pasteur the father of modern hygiene has Hygeia conjunct his IC conjunct his North Node in Aquarius. What aspects and signs and house mark a shamanic practitioner or medical intuitive healer or ancestral healer? Good luck with your search! I would love to hear your view on this placement.. This is why Hygeia and the 6th house are a perfect fit; it is why Virgo and Hygeia are very comfortable together. Suicide ideation is only carried out if one acts on an impulse, generally at night when one is tired (or drugged or drunk) and if one has the means. I am a cancer survivor 20 years next May but am not in very good physical health. The official name refers to the creation god of Easter Island, or Rapa Nui. to neptune libra. One of the things I hate the most is not being able to save people from themselves. So she symbolizes the choice taking internal control and making the choice for wellness or maybe giving away ones power to others or the medical fraternity. Thankyou so much for your birth data . Well, it sounds as though you have had transiting Neptune conjuncting your Hygeia, Jupiter, Chiron conjunction. I think it helps me with pattern recognition (esp. Any observations on transits at the moment? My dad, my nana and endless ancestors had Sun conjunct Chiron. This last month was my Hygeia return and I spent most of May with no energy, and anemia. 1. The timing of such encounters is indicated by the activation of the vertex. Hygeia is about holistic health and you have hit the nail on the head when you talk about your great psychological-spiritual health, not to mention the state of your heart chakra which in many people is a dried up old peach seed or an empty stone vessel.

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