VFX Graph: Added a new output to modify the volumetric fog of HDRP. (UUM-15264) Physics 2D: Added an argument to Collider2D.CreateMesh() method that allows the option to create a Delaunay Triangulated mesh. Core: Added: Added BuildCustomSphereMesh() to DebugShapes. (UUM-10045), Editor: Fixed unexpected sorting on some VFX output while using the new SG integration. The callbacks were previously being processed in Unity's main thread but this is incompatible with the GameActivity setup, where Java looper is not present on Unity's main thread. Get property value from string using reflection. Improved AssetDatabase script type dependency so that if a missing SerializeReference instance type, re-appears importers depending on it will be trigerred. Note: Specific platforms may impose maximum Texture dimension sizes. Graphics: Obsoleted: Marked OpenGL ES 2.0 specific enums as obsolete. (UUM-12509), Editor: Updated app toolbar styles to global variables. Stack Traces are only available in the Unity Editor and development builds. (UUM-17613), HDRP: Fixed tesselation when the water surface is far from the origin creating a white line artifact on the surface. (UUM-22015), Shaders: Shader compilation with debug symbols will no longer use a non-existent file name. GI: Replaced the sample int fields with log sliders. Shadergraph: Fixed issue where the view position of the graph editor would sometimes be forgotten when swapping between two open shadergraph editor windows. IL2CPP: Added an option to show C# source code line numbers in call stacks in player builds. Asset Bundles: When the Asset Bundle cache layout was changed in 2017, an automatic migration codepath was added to check for asset bundles in the old cache location and move them into the new cache, so that end users would not need to re-download the bundles just because the cache layout changed. GI: Improved the UX of BakePipeline post processing. (UUM-31610). Burst: Added a toggle for filtering out ".Generated" jobs from the Burst Inspector target job list. SRP Core: Allow setting order for panels on the rendering debugger. (UUM-21897), Serialization: Fixed an issue where de-serializing a Prefab containing a SerializeReference which has been refactored not handles MovedFrom. The texture coordinates (UVs) in the sixth channel. another triangle and so on.Note that while triangle meshes are the most common use case, Unity also supports other Shaders: Reduced the time spent in the asset post processing code for shader assets, which speeds-up the import of shaders. Package Manager: Fixed an issue where Package Manager Window would throw an error when a package url links was not available and now are disabled. (UUM-9219), Mono: Fixed an issue where the internal debugger would refuse connections after performing multiple switches between release and debug editor runtime optimizations. Mesh with copied material not showing in Game View and Forward Rendering Path 0 Answers Invalid managed type found for the field `m_Materials` of the struct `Unity.Rendering.RenderMeshArray`. (UUM-3783), Editor: Fixed a crash when old SG integration is invalid. Undo System: The Undo history now records the name of changed properties ("Modified Intensity") instead of just showing "Modified Property". URP: Improved shadow atlas building performance when there are a lot of lights. HDRP: Added raytraced shadows for Pyramid and Box shaped Spot Lights. Graph Tool Foundation: Enabled tracking of variable declaration and blackboard groups when they are added, deleted, or modified. Burst: Fixed internal compiler error when implcitly converting an array to a Span. SRP Core: Added: An extension method to fetch the Render Pipeline assets from a BuildTarget. (UUM-13354), HDRP: Fixed missing RT shader passes for the LOD terrain mesh. (UUM-19090). Editor: Added: Exposed Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(Color[] colors, Vector3[] points) and Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(float width, Color[] colors, Vector3[] points). Android: Unity Now uses Gradle 7.2 by default. (UUM-7381), DX12: Fixed GetNextFrameValue() in DX12 native rendering plugins. (UUM-17887), IL2CPP: Updated zlib to version 1.2.12 for CVE-2018-25032. Graphics: Fixed a case where GraphicsBuffer.UnlockBufferAfterWrite could sometimes take a long time on D3D11. (UUM-10073), VFX Graph: Fixed mismatching LOD between eyes in multi-pass VR. Editor: Disabled the CS0282 compiler warning when PlayerSettings.SuppressCommonWarnings is enabled. Asset Import: Added a tag no longer causes issues when running off of the main thread. Scripting: Fixed case when trying to serialize generics with generic fields of types from different assemblies. A mesh will always render according to its world position and the perspective of the camera (s) viewing it. Version Control: Changed the Go back to changeset option in Changesets tab to Revert to changeset. 2D: Removed com.unity.ide.vscode from the template as it is deprecated. Returns the number of vertex attributes that the mesh has. The value returned when called from within a job is the same as the one stored in a job member decorated with Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.NativeSetThreadIndexAttribute, otherwise 0. How about saving the world? (UUM-31531), HDRP: Fixed exposure for SSR debug rendering. Particles: Fixed code that stops particle systems and triggers stop actions, to prevent out of bounds array access. (UUM-26807), Android: Fixed Strip Engine Code information printing for unhandled java exceptions. Player: Added -native-leak-detection command line argument to Unity Editor and standalone players. First seen in 2023.2.0a5. (UUM-19010), Editor: Fixed shortcut profile delete dialog message overflow in Shortcut Manager. Graphics: Improved AlphaIsTransparency API docs and tooltip. It should only be triggered when using the Distortion effect. Some members from TextEditor have been deprecated to accommodate for the new TextUtilities used by both IMGUI and UITK. Shaders: Added: Added an API to control shader memory usage at runtime. Editor: Improved performance of Transform.Find() API especially when working with large numbers of children. (UUM-27882) Editor: Detect asset corruption before uploading to accelerator. Asset Import: Fixed import of file with extension as file name. HDRP: Fixed Graph Settings in Water Shader Graphs. Improving upon the existing title bar feature by adding to it. Editor: Fixed an issue where the "uncategorized" category filter would not apply correctly to parameterized tests with a category in the fixture. It's possible with scripting. Editor: Reduced time to rebuild the CreateAsset() menu during a domain reload. Terrain: Obsoleted: Made the functions void OnToolSettingsGUI(Terrain terrain, IOnInspectorGUI editContext, bool overlays) and void OnInspectorGUI(Terrain terrain, IOnInspectorGUI editContext, bool overlays) obsolete, replaced with the same function signature without the bool overlays. (1369562), macOS: Fixed a hang on startup on MacOS 13 when running from Xcode. (UUM-19512), IL2CPP: Removed an uncommon parameter name collision in generated C++ code. (UUM-21664), Editor: Fixed an issue that warning messages are no longer displayed when selecting the color picker after selecting the object picker when editing materials. Beginner kit improvement advice - which lens should I consider? (UUM-15298), Shaders: Preparing variants for compilation dialog now shows the name of the shader being processed. from the real world, or other. (UUM-6173), HDRP: Fixed embedding the config package when it's not a direct dependency. (UUM-4299), IL2CPP: Fixed incorrect custom attribute lookup on a field derived in a base class from a different assembly. (PROF-2319), Windows: Removed "Unity playback engine" text from the property sheets for Windows player executable. Texture coordinates most often are 2D data (Vector2), but it is possible to make them (UUM-17027), Particles: Fixed some particle script API so it now syncs in-flight update jobs before modifying state. You also have the option to generate a normal map from a grayscale height map image. Parabolic, suborbital and ballistic trajectories all follow elliptic paths. Core: Added: Added overload of GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag that takes a List to bypass allocations. (UUM-20342), TextCore: Fixed ZWSP character with monospace font and tag. Editor: Ensured that all samples can be loaded at once without assembly name collisions. This extends to multi-layer Photoshop PSD or TIFF files. (UUM-6410), Package Manager: Fixed a bug where importing .unitypackage with project settings into a new project would show an error in the console. Android: Added Application Entry information to unityLibrary\src\main\resources\META-INF\com.android.games.engine.build_fingerprint. Editor: Fixed NullReferenceException's from the ProjectBrowser when selecting an error in the Console and multiple project browser windows were open. Graphics: Added initial general foveated rendering API support on Oculus. Editor: Fixed an issue that the Dedicated Server target is now visibly enabled only if the module is installed. Previously intialization was too late (ad HDRP pipeline constructor). A collection of six square textures that can represent the reflections in an environment or the skybox drawn behind your geometry. plus temporary workers the job system will ever use. Added safeguards to GetRawTextureData. Transform.InverseTransformDirections() - batch version of Transform.InverseTransformDirection() Detail Textures hide this fact by fading in small details as your main Texture gets closer. Core: Merged the APV window with the Lighting window. This is the same behaviour found in Automatic Slicing in Sprite Editor Window. (UUM-11352), IL2CPP: Emitted code that compiles for array element access from null in a non-development player build. (Material Problems) (UUM-5871), URP: Fixed URP 2D - vertex color for sprite shapes. (UUM-11110), HDRP: Fixed cull mode toggle in transparent material inspector shifting the UI. Shadergraph: Fixed a compilation bug in BiRP Target in some variants with lightmaps. I've imported this material pack : https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/13004. Editor: Deprecated the CustomEditorForRenderPipeline. Editor: Obsoleted: PresetSelector.ShowSelector(PresetType, Preset, bool, PresetSelectorReceiver) is now obsolete. (UUM-10519). Terrain: Fixed terrain shadows so they are now rendered when zooming out in Scene/Game View with Deferred Rendering enabled. (UUM-5701). How can I change those transform values? Ethical standards in asking a professor for reviewing a finished manuscript and publishing it together. (UUM-8765), HDRP: Fixed transmission on directional lights. Build Pipeline: Fixed invalid build path error triggers when building for WebGL on Windows. Graphics: Defaulting color space to Linear in the com.unity.template.3d. (UUM-21880), IL2CPP: Fixed IL2CPP build failure when using Unbox instruction with generic by reference return type. (UUM-14671). (UUM-2432), URP: Fixed lens flare position and occlusion for all OpenGL APIs. (UUM-12220), Shaders: Fixed SV_PrimitiveID on Metal. So the step of changing the properties of the texture panel in Blender may have no effect at all. Gets the texture coordinates (UVs) stored in a given channel. HDRP: Changed DiffusionProfileOverride so that now it accumulates profiles instead of replacing when interpolating at runtime. Clears all vertex data and all triangle indices. Added #pragma require inlineraytracing to compute shaders. (UUM-21449), HDRP: Fixed the default DXR volume not having any DXR effects enabled. (UUM-16018), Editor: Removed the ability to apply components marked with HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor to Prefab. XR: Fixed audio speed up when using MLAudio on Magic Leap. HDRP: Fixed forward materials with motion vectors rendered twice. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Burst: Fixed that some changes made to versioned assemblies wouldn't get picked up and compiled by Burst. (UUM-9100), IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of Ping on Windows platforms. Would you ever say "eat pig" instead of "eat pork"? Graphics: Deprecated: Deprecation of the various DrawX functions on the ScriptableRenderContext in favor of the RendererList API. 2D: Added options to create WhiteBox Tile Palettes. (UUM-3942), HDRP: Fixed transmission for box lights. (UUM-6963), Asset Pipeline: Removed use of auto keyword in LMDB library. XR: Updated com.unity.feature.ar to 1.0.1. Editor: Added optional priority argument to Shortcut and ClutchShortcut attributes. IL2CPP: Removed boxing for more cases of comparisons to null in value type generic instances. Check our Moderator Guidelines if youre a new moderator and want to work together in an effort to improve Unity Answers and support our users. Answers and Comments, Imported meshes colors changed to blue. (UUM-20113), VFX Graph: Fixed an error raised in the console when undoing shader assignment in the Mesh output node. This is only exposed if the underlying SRP supports cloud rendering. Graphics: Fixed a crash on some platforms when the mesh buffers do not exist on a MeshRenderer. (UUM-9029), Windows: Fixed resolution misdetection on vertical displays, which caused APIs like Screen.currentResolution or Screen.GetDisplayLayout() return wrong data and the player contain letterboxing when it shouldn't. (UUM-21001), UI Toolkit: Added formatting issues in UI Toolkit and Properties scripting reference. If the platform or GPU does not support NPOT Texture sizes, Unity scales and pads the Texture up to the next power of two size. Universal RP: Fixed various errors that appeared when Strict Variant Matching is enabled. A material, can make a wood texture, look like real wood, or, make it look. (UUM-27882), Editor: Detect asset corruption before uploading to accelerator. Now go to the texture panel and check that you are using the UV map and not generated coordinates. Protected method, render pipelines can override this to specify their support for RequestData types. As 5 years have now passed, it is unlikely that this automatic migration still has any value, so the behavior has been removed. Graphics: Fixed ScriptableRenderContext.CullShadowCasters validation layer message sometimes not using string formatting correctly. (UUM-10114), iOS: Fixed embedded frameworks loosing "sign on copy". FrameDebugger: Frame Debugger VRAM memory leak The captured image is then stored as a Cubemap that can be used by objects with reflective materials. (UUM-9570), IL2CPP: Allow non-blittable types without any reference fields to be pinned. (UUM-10796), Mono: Removed !sig->is_inflated assert from icall wrapper generator. 2D: Added RenderStaticPreview for GameObjectBrush. (UUM-7785). Scripting: Fixed possible crash when handling of asmdef compiled assemblies thats, thats been copied into the Project. (UUM-14818), HDRP: Fixed missing limitation in path tracing documentation regarding Local Volumetric Fog. I imported it, checked it over, and exported to FBX (assuming that no further steps needed be taken). (UUM-11068), Terrain: Added control for the user to choose the smoothness source, either set directly via slider, or from diffuse alpha channel. Fixed regression by speeding up OpenCL shader loading stage by caching binaries in the GICache. Physics2D.GetRayIntersectionNonAlloc - Equivalent functionality is "Physics2D.GetRayIntersection". (UUM-19575), HDRP: Fixed for low resolution transparents using shader graph and sampling the color or depth buffer. vertices, for special effects used in shaders. UI Toolkit: Fixed element becoming invisible after a reorder in an animated ListView. (UUM-2725), UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue in the UI Builder where the open file dialog would display the previous project's folder instead of the current one. URP: Improved motion vector pass. (UUM-15402), IL2CPP: Fixed I18N linker error during builds. Burst: Fixed some ARM branch instructions not being processed as such. External Dependency Manager for Unity (EDM4U) and Mobile Dependency Resolver (MDR) support now available. How do I fix them? (UUM-24656) Fixed in 2023.1.0b14. Video: Enabled error reporting only when the user uses MediaFoundation directly. All external references are no longer lost after CreateBase. (DSTR-654). Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! (UUM-7653), iOS: Fixed freeze on startup when URP is used with memoryless depth backbuffer. (UUM-8321). (UUM-30370) HDRP: Fixed lens flare wobbling caused by using jittered matrix, more visible with DLSS. (UUM-2873), DX12: Fixed for particle corrupution and flickering. 2D: Added Brush Picks to the Tile Palette window. Android: Fixed an issue that Unity warns cmdline-tools version being 0.0 when the component is actually installed. (UUM-4096), Editor: Frame Debugger: Fixed an issue with showing events that have Render Targets using MSAA. Retrieves a native (underlying graphics API) pointer to the index buffer. Video: Fixed an issue that video is displayed with one frame delay when videoPlayer.Play() is called. HDRP: Improved rendering by adding caustics support for cinematic eye shader in HDRP material samples eye graph. (UUM-20525). (UUM-2236), HDRP: Fixed the ray tracing shadow denoiser s it no longer produces leaks at the edge of spotlight shadows. Graphics: Fixed Graphics.CopyBuffer and GetData/SetData for non-compute targets when using Vulkan. What was the actual cockpit layout and crew of the Mi-24A? (SGB-382), Shadergraph: Speeds up setting blackboard values in large graphs. SRP Core: Changed: Moved HDRP & URP IPostProcessComponent to shared IPostprocessComponent interface under RP Core package in UnityEngine.Rendering namespace. Conceptually, all vertex data is stored in separate arrays of the same size. Graphics: Changed: Moved RayTracingAccelerationStructure and RayTracingShader classes from UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering to UnityEngine.Rendering. Both CPU and GPU utilisations are reduced when rendering a large number of meshes. (UUM-16113), Shaders: Fixed Shader Variant Collection UI not working correctly with shaders with stage-specific keywords. 2D: Fixed an issue where the amount of alpha removed from layers would not be re-applied as final position offset of the layers. Graphics: Fixed a crash in BatchRendererGroup that would occur when assets are loaded or unloaded. Gets the index count of the given sub-mesh. enum D3DHDRDisplayBitDepth renamed to HDRDisplayBitDepth. GI: Show timely information in the Editor on lightmaps and probes being baked. First seen in 2023.1.0b8. The intended target usage of the Mesh GPU vertex buffer. HDRP: Fixed graphics issues with sky and fog in game view when filtering objects in the hierarchy. This introduces an internal APProvider class. Graphics: Added the runtime-modifiable Texture2D property to toggle excluding the texture from mipmap limits (only for readable Texture2Ds). Search: Obsoleted: Deprecated APIs related to IMGUI. (UUM-1883). (UUM-1595), Linux: Fixed scrolling with the scroll wheel so it is no longer slower on builds when using the New Input System package on Linux Standalone. For example, if you have a mesh of 100 Vertices, and want to have a position, normal and two texture coordinates for each vertex, then the mesh should . Editor: On deselecting a terrain, the previously selected editor tool will now get selected. GI: Added various minor refactorings, bugfixes, and improvements to the internal LightBaker subsystem. Editor: Fixed an issue where GameObjectChangeTracker was not able to detect GameObject sibling order change. Their meanings are the same but their names have changed (from field to property): Kernel: Added functionality to control player connection listen port. Editor: Enabled showing overlays added through code in the Overlay Menu. SRP Core: Added: Added new XRSystem API to allow SRPs override the XR built-in stereo matrices. eg. (Read Only). Graphics: Added: Texture.graphicsTexture and properties of the new GraphicsTexture class have been added to provide more information about the resource that is uploaded to the GPU when working with textures. (UUM-14632), Android: Fixed orientation issues in laptop mode and tablet mode on Chromebooks. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. (UUM-17388), HDRP: Fixed a discrepency between recursive rendering and path tracing for refraction models. Asset Pipeline: Added a new public API, Editor UI controls, and command line arguments to manually trigger the upload of existing import artifacts and shader cache to the Accelerator cache server. How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. (1385056). EmbeddedLinux: Improved startup timings logs which are now enabled via BootConfig parameters, Editor Setting, and has a scripting entrypoint. (UUM-20456, UUM-20458). Editor: Changed Light Probe visualization foldout so it is now hidden when APV is used. Unity can read the following file formats: Unity automatically flattens multi-layer Photoshop PSD or TIFF files on import so that there is no size penalty for your game. Package Manager: Fixed an issue which prevented starting UPM when a package.json file containing "type": "module" was present on any of the ancestor directories. (UUM-12869), UI Toolkit: Fixed an exception when searching in the Debugger and UI element has a null name. (UUM-7797), Editor: Fixed not being able to drag shortcut list scroller by mouse. A type of Bump Map texture that allows you to add surface detail such as bumps, grooves, and scratches to a model which catch the light as if they are represented by real geometry. Recalculates the UV distribution metrics of the Mesh from the vertices and uv coordinates. HDRP: Added async compute support doc. UI Toolkit: Added missing keyboard navigation support for left and right keys in TreeView. Before posting, make sure to check out our Knowledge Base for commonly asked Unity questions. Profiler: Added metadata support for RenderTextures in Memory Profiler. Editor: Ported Graphics Settings editor to UITK. Graphics: Renamed ComputeSkinningDispatch profiler marker to MeshSkinning.ComputeSkinning for skinning dispatches. Burst: Fixed MethodDecoderException when trying to call CompileFunctionPointer on a nested static method. GI: Fixed issue where lightmaps are lost when entering playmode, switching scenes, and exiting playmode. (UUM-14488), Graphics: Fixed Editor so it no longer hangs when trying to pick an Entity that is set as unpickable. Virtual Texturing: The experimental state of Streaming Virtual Texturing and Procedural Virtual Texturing was not clearly indicated in the API docs and Manual, this has been corrected. (UUM-15455). ). (UUM-14487), Player: Native Leak Detection now works in Player builds. (UUM-27557), Editor: Fixed elements not wrapping correctly when changing the aspect ratio of the game tab.

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