(UUM-22494), 2D: Fixed an issue with sprite shadow mesh generation so it now provides correct results. (UUM-28015), Editor: Fixed an issue where the Editor would launch the Hub when it is not already running, but would then incorrectly display the "Install Unity Hub" dialog instead of connecting to the Hub to perform the action. This is applied in addition to the camera, transform, skeletal, and Alembic motion vectors. They are now removed after the callback. (UUM-20904). Apple TV: Enabled tvOS to now use a launch screen storyboard. Previously, it would not report upon ProcessExit. Shaders: Enabled RenderPass framebuffer fetch (UNITY_DECLARE_FRAMEBUFFER_INPUT_, UNITY_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_INPUT) to now generate shader code that works both on Apple Silicon (where it will read color input) and older intel macOS devices (where it will read from the copy done by render pass). It is basically a Panel (game field) which has a Grid Layout Group with column count fixed to 3. Asset Pipeline: Fixed an Editor crash when changing Asset Serialization Mode to Force Binary with the com.unity.multiplayer.samples.coop package installed. Leave at 0 to always expand them as much as possible. Particles: Fixed a null reference exception when undoing Particle System changes. Editor: Improved warnings on GPU Module overheads. Package Manager: Enabled modifying assets located in immutable packages (under a project's Library/PackageCache folder) to no longer immediately re-resolve the project's packages, which can lead to faster iteration and allow temporary modification of those packages (for instance, for testing or debugging purposes). Does anyone know if that should work or it can't work by the UI system design? VFX Graph: Reduced the import cost of VFX Graph objects, especially when importing many objects at once. (UUM-21771), Editor: Removed an unnecessary "cannot be multi-edited" message in the Inspector. (UUM-17812). This knob improves performance massively while keeping image quality consistent. (UUM-29597), iOS: Added cutouts for the iPhone 14 family. /// The axis to calculate for. Prefabs: Fixed the prefab mode so it now sorts renderer components accordingly. Answers and Comments, Can I publish unity tutorial project as mine Core: Enabled CullResults.ComputeSpotShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives to now output culling planes derived from the projection matrix. Answer, "Unity", Unity logos, and other Unity trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Unity Technologies or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere, Hint: You can notify a user about this post by typing @username, Viewable by moderators and the original poster, gameunity-boxofideas-android-personal-opengl-41-20.png. GI: Added: API for accessing global light probe data used in rendering as well as for individual scenes. Terrain: Enabled setting names for brush textures and thumbnails, so that they can be clearly recognised in the Memory Profiler. How to Make a Black glass pass light through it? Try changing it to stretch. (UUM-14069), UI Toolkit: Fixed clicking on a selectable label in a list so it now changes the selection. Editor: Reduced the cost of outline rendering, which improves the frame rate of the editor when many objects are selected. Vertical will fill an entire column before a new column is started. (UUM-29029), Graphics: Fixed a crash when loading a zero-sized Texture2D asset. Physics: Fixed Articulation Bodies ignoring SetMaxImpulse from Contact Modifications. (UUM-15298), Shaders: Fixed a rare crash when destroying shaders. Use MipmapLimitDescriptor to specify whether (a) Mipmap Limits should be enabled, and if so, (b) if the Texture belongs to a particular group. (UUM-26179). rev2023.5.1.43405. Mono: Added get_win32_restore_stack implementation for ARM64 in Mono. (UUM-21382), Android: Fixed the plugin path resolving for GameActivity. Universal RP: Added automatic TimeBased motion vector generation for ShaderGraphs with vertex animation based only on the Time node. What I did was on Start() get the width of the scrolling area (the parent) and then divide it by the number of columns I wanted then changed the fixed cell size in the Grid Layout Group. It's not them. and this is how it looks like when i change the resolution to for example 2560x1440: As you can see the cells keep the same size and it does not look very good. (UUM-22563), UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue when adding or removing components with the inspector in debug mode. (UUM-21819), UI Toolkit: Fixed an instability in UGUIEventSystemTests TouchUpRemovesHover tests and re-enabled them. What does 'They're at four. Burst: Enabled FunctionPointer()::Invoke usage is now checked and patched to ensure the calling convention is compatible with Burst. Burst: Added a toggle to filter .Generated jobs from the Burst Inspector target job list. Change the internal size of a cell and spacing. Burst: Changed the Burst Inspector source location comments from === to either ; or #, depending on the given assembly kind. Burst: Fixed Burst tree view items leading to a wrong job if some jobs where hidden from view by filter or similar. Package: Added new QoS APIs for specific Relay and Multiplay QoS servers searching and result. Before this addition, for area lights, if you set Light.range, and then immediately read it back, it would return a different value. Core: Enabled JobsUtility.ThreadIndex and JobsUtility.ThreadIndexCoun to now be used in Burst compiled static constructors. Shaders: Added a profiler marker for dynamic variant loading. More infoSee in Glossary, based on a selected layout. Burst: Fixed inaccurate stacktraces when throwing an exception from Burst in specific cases. Burst: Enabled Windows/ARM64 targeting support. 696.7 KB. IL2CPP: Corrected the clipped output from System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(). (UUM-29490), 2D: Prevented a cyclic dependency error when dragging a Palette Prefab to be saved under the same Palette Prefab. GI: Removed the Show lightmap resolution overlay from the Project settings window. He also rips off an arm to use as a sword. Graphics: Added: CanvasRenderer.GetMesh API, analogous to CanvasRenderer.SetMesh has been Added. Build System: Enabled consistency of .NET SDK in build and publish operations in CSharpPrograms2. Editor: Fixed a regression that changed the default behaviour of animators on disabled. Version Control: Removed: Removed Collab and its dependency from the package. Audio: Dragging a audio clip from project view into the Audio Random Container AudioClips list, behaves incorrectly. (UUM-21897), Serialization: Fixed the issue of deletion of a script not being detected as a change in the scripts which leads to the serialization not being able to correctly detect missing reference types. (UUM-3473), Editor: Fixed the Shift modifier so that it can now use SceneView tool shortcuts. Editor: Fixed issue where -nographics command line argument was not being forwarded to the Asset Import Workers. (UUM-10786), UI Toolkit: Fixed the reported TreeView state after a reorder operation. Added new built-in global shader keyword UNITY_DEVICE_SUPPORTS_INLINE_RAY_TRACING to be used with multi_compile. Added FocusController method IgnoreEvent. (UUM-13783). (UUM-21929), VFX Graph: Fixed mesh LOD flickering when using TAA. In order to force a size on a sub element, put a ContentSizeFitter (ignore the warning) set to Preferred, and a LayoutElement with the checkbox for Preferred Size. // Scale your grid layougt in Unity3D. Then you would create screenSize variable like so All Prefabs will now be reimported due to this fix. UI Toolkit: Added: Added GetIndentationDepth and GetIndentationDepthByIndex in tree view controllers. (UUM-30472), WebGL: Fixed the playback of MP3 audio files loaded via UnityWebRequest on Safari. (UUM-29547), Editor: Fixed bug where objects would constantly be pinged when console log entries are collapsed. (UUM-27884) /// Set the positions and sizes of the child layout elements for the given axis. (UUM-30074) Fixed in 2023.2.0a12. (UUM-25389), Windows: Fixed a potential crash during Windows Player cleanup. (UUM-21671), IL2CPP: Fixed an intermittent crash on POSIX platforms which can happen when Directory.GetFiles is called while files in that directory are deleted on a different thread. Graphics: Added: API for modifying positions of LightProbes objects. 565), Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. (UUM-24705), Linux: Fixed the Mouse position so it is now correct when playing the build on a multiple monitor setup in full screen mode. (UUM-32097), WebGL: Centered the loading bar in PWA WebGL template. Editor: Fixed the URL for the Scene Template documentation. Burst: Fixed "Failed to find entry-points: Mono.Cecil.AssemblyResolutionException: Failed to resolve assembly" error that was displayed when Burst tried to compile an assembly that had C# compilation errors. Returns false if children control their own heights. Previously, Unity recursively called the accumulate method for the type of the generic's parameter. Prevent button layout changing after one is removed? By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where the Gradient Noise Node was causing implicit truncation warnings. Animation: Reduced the number of garbage collection allocations when calling Animator.GetParameter(int index) and improved its speed. But when I ran it it states that width and height are zero for each cell holding the nine fields. gridLayout.cellSize itself behaved as readonly. (UUM-19575), HDRP: Fixed the foam generator so it is now relative to GameObject scale. Could a subterranean river or aquifer generate enough continuous momentum to power a waterwheel for the purpose of producing electricity? 1 (UUM-22049), VFX Graph: Enabled correct generation of the interpolator modifiers for packed structure in HDRP Shader Graph. GI: Optimized the post processing file IO by spreading the work over multiple CPU threads (one thread per file). (UUM-28355) (UUM-22593), SRP Core: Fixed an IES Importer issue producing incorrect results. Horizontal will fill an entire row before a new row is started. Answer, C# How to Drag and Scale with Mouse Window (UUM-26796), Editor: UI Toolkit: Fixed context menus for sub-properties not showing when using the Inspector with UI Toolkit. The job system will create a number of job worker threads that will be no greater than the number of logical CPU cores for the platform. After googling a bit I found (here or on Unity answers) the answer to a different setup to add a little script calculating the cell sizes dynamically. Thanks for the script, good stuffs, asides from that I think! Kernel: Improved the performance in heavily run code paths for NativeArray, UnsafeUtility, and AtomicSafetyHandle through inlining. Editor: Fixed an issue in the Frame Debugger to enable scrolling in the window to work when the Mesh Preview is being used. Burst: Added a Burst AOT setting for the debug information generated for player builds. Burst: Fixed the module verification errors when using overloaded functions as function pointers. can be Disabled, Enabled, or EnabledWithStackTrace. (UUM-28290), Editor: Fixed incorrect launch screen scaling on Windows scaled 200%. (UUM-912). URP: Added Volume Profile to Universal Render Pipeline Asset. More infoSee in Glossary, such as TilesA simple class that allows a sprite to be rendered on a Tilemap. Editor: Added an object field for meshes so they can be clicked and made visible in the Project window for the Frame Debugger. Burst: Fixed incorrect pdb path for AoT dll libraries. Select the order that Unity reorders the XYZ cell coordinates to for transform conversions. (UUM-25009), VFX Graph: Fixed an error in the console when clicking on the [+] button in the blackboard in the "No Asset" window. Serialization: Fixed a boxedValue throwing an exception if you try to set a string value null. Burst: Fixed line highlight and register highlight not clearing when Burst Inspector settings change. (UUM-22694), Windows: Fixed quoting of the command line arguments. 2D: Fixed cell size calculation when performing Grid slicing with Cell Count and padding set in the Sprite Editor when the sliced texture doesn't include the final padding. (UUM-32220), DX12: Fixed a crash caused by too early release of a texture. (UUM-29326), Graphics: Fixed an issue with GPU Instancing providing wrong previous world matrix, leading to motion vector computation issues. (SGB-409), Shadergraph: Increased the speed of rename operations on properties, keywords, or dropdowns in large graphs. (UUM-20170), UI Toolkit: Fixed the InspectorElement so it now applies its disabled state for embedded IMGUI inspectors. How to make GridLayout dynamically resize contents? Editor: Enabled Leak Detection in player builds during the ProcessExit event. Editor: Added an option to Scene View preferences to only refresh the Scene view when the Editor is in focus. Vector2 screenSize = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.width); note the Screen.width in both fields, Edit: you also might want to set content size fitter to unconstrained for both axis, Is the canvas set to Scale with screen size? Burst: Added support for ChromeOS in Unity versions 2020.3 and 2019.4. (UUM-25376). (UUM-28561), Physics 2D: Enabled both OnTriggerExit2D and OnCollisionExit2D to be called when a scene is unloaded if required. // -- Add this to a gameobject with a Grid Layout Group and you can make the cell size change with resolution, by percentage of screen width. (UUM-11707), Editor: Fixed a DX11 Standalone crash when closing the application. Is it safe to publish research papers in cooperation with Russian academics? The presented research aimed to design and implement controllers that can improve . Editor: Fixed an issue where scripted importer override could cause infinite imports. - Unity Answers using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class AdvancedGridLayoutGroup : GridLayoutGroup { [SerializeField] protected int cellsPerLine = 1; [SerializeField] protected float aspectRatio = 1; public override void SetLayoutVertical() { (UUM-28528), VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where VFXs were not culled properly, causing flickering shadows. What were the most popular text editors for MS-DOS in the 1980s? Android: Enabled adding the minimum aspect ratio. Fixed in 2023.2.0a12. HDRP: Improved the performance of entering and leaving playmode for scenes containing large numbers of decal projectors. (UUM-30173). (UUM-27122), Editor: Fixed the Audio.Thread marker in Profiler window that lasts the whole frame while audio is playing in Windows. 0 is horizontal and 1 is vertical.. SRP Core: Updated the Render Graph documentation to reflect API changes. HDRP: Fixed ray-traced emissive reflections. (UUM-30987), Graphics: Fixed caustics rendering so water now works on AMD. (UUM-27609), Android: Enabled different maximum MSAA samples count for different graphics formats. Content Discovery initiative April 13 update: Related questions using a Review our technical responses for the 2023 Developer Survey, How to get the absolute coordinates of a view. DX12: Changed the default format to a native resource format instead of a typeless format. (UUM-28909), Physics: Fixed capsule jittering and not reaching sleep state. Burst: Fixed an issue that causes function pointers to point to the wrong Burst function, if a domain reload occurs and a compilation started before the reload is completed soon after. (UUM-31878), Shaders: Added macros for passing textures (Cube, 2DArray, and CubeArray) around without samplers. (MTT-5037), Editor: Fixed the Inspector Transform Component foldout so it now responds to input on the top half. Graphics: Added: Inline Ray Tracing (Ray Query/DXR 1.1) support to all rasterization shader stages. UI Toolkit: Added: VisualElement methods HandleEventBubbleUp and HandleEventTrickleDown. Build Pipeline: Enabled setting UnityCI Directory to the repository path during execution. Shadergraph: Reduced the import times of shadergraphs. (UUM-21106). (UUM-21985), HDRP: Fixed a glitch in one frame in the Editor when using path tracing. 0 The Transform component then converts these local coordinates to world space or global coordinates. File size. (UUM-27587), VFX Graph: Fixed shader errors when building with sphere or cube outputs. (UUM-29105), SRP Core: Fixed the Revert Property for animation curves on Volume Components so it now works correctly. Graphics: Deprecated: Light.shape. (UUM-29387), Video: Internal texture queue populated by asynchronous decoding was sometimes being drained from 2 threads. Editor: Enabled the previously selected editor tool to now get selected when deselecting a terrain. GI: Deprecated: LightProbes.cellCount, LightProbes.count and LightProbes.positions have been deprecated. macOS: Removed an empty gap on each vertical screen of the macOS Player when rendering fullscreen on Macs with a notch the first time the application is started. (UUM-26386), IL2CPP: Fixed Monitor.IsEntered returning true when the monitor is entered on a different thread from the current thread. Editor: Fixed an Editor crash that can happen when editing terrain. How do I set the boundaries of a 2d ortographic camera in unity to modify according to the screen size, Unity3D canvas scaler for different aspect ratios. (UUM-30237), DX12: Fixed a crash due to copying sampler descriptors. (UUM-22630), DX12: Fixed a crash where command lists were not being cleaned up. If we had a video livestream of a clock being sent to Mars, what would we see? This will not always return false. Scene/Game View: Fixed navigation in EditorWindow inheriting from the SceneView. (UUM-22213). (UUM-25383), Windows: Fixed incorrect display names of certain subset of keys. This setting was previously in the Lighting Window > Workflow. (UUM-29492), URP: Fixed light batching with Rendergraph2D passes. "Override the number of columns to aim for (or zero for default/disabled). Burst: Fixed the LLVM IR Optimisation Diagnostic tab in Burst Inspector so it is no longer blank if Native Debug Mode Compilation is enabled. HDRP: Improved the sample import system on SRP packages to import dependencies for each sample. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. (UUM-18389), URP: Fixed XR vsync so it stays enabled when the focus is lost. Particles: Fixed a crash due to access of potentially released job memory. (SGB-439), Shadergraph: Fixed a typo in the Hyperbolic Cosine Node in Shader Graph. (UUM-22011), HDRP: Added API to sync simulation time. // However, for existing components that were added before this, // feature was introduced, we want it to be on be default for. SRP Core: Added: Common C# & Shader Code for Scalable Temporal Post-Processing Upscaler. Grid Layout Group Constraint: Fixed Row Count, Content Size Fitter Horizontal Fit: Preferred Size, Content Size Fitter Vertical Fit: Preferred Size or Unconstrained, Grid Layout Group Constraint: Fixed Column Count, Content Size Fitter Horizontal Fit: Preferred Size or Unconstrained, Content Size Fitter Vertical Fit: Preferred Size. Now if the screen gets resized the cell sizes do not scale. UI Toolkit: Added: Added canChangeExpandedState to tree view controllers to allow users to disable items expansion. // have a chance to turn these settings off. (UUM-27593), IL2CPP: Fixed the InvalidCastException being thrown when you serialize jagged arrays using BinaryFormatter. Editor: Improved the checks for Play Library dependencies on Android to include plugins and show an error if Play Core is used instead of minimum default Play Asset Delivery library. The issue of low-power factor operation microgrids was reported for several layouts. (UUM-18685), IL2CPP: Fixed a potential .cpp file name collision when two assembly names differ only by a number at the end of their name. Serialization: Improved the performance of restoring managed objects during a domain reload. When multiple threads are working on a parallel job at once, no two threads will have the same index. (UUM-4125). (UUM-10811), Editor: Fixed an animator issue when transitioning from state to empty state. This is an unintended result picture from a 9:16 aspect ratio. (UUM-30061), Editor: Enabled overlays to now be serialized as part of the OverlayCanvas state. Shadergraph: Fixed an issue where the reroute node would sometimes show the wrong color for its appropriate inputs. Answers, How do I change the fount size of GUI Editor: Fixed an issue where a test body would be skipped under certain conditions regarding domain reload. HDRP: Fixed the usage of FindObjectsByType so it now uses FindObjectsSortMode.None. SRP Core: Reduced the number of shader variants related to HDR Output. Player: Fixed an issue where non persistent Components were not kept alive when attachec to a persistent GameObjects. (UUM-20616), VFX Graph: Fixed the Dispose() method of MeshToSDFBaker leading to memory leaks (UUM-20831). 2D: Added icons to the Clipboard and Brush Pick overlays for Tile Palette when the overlays are collapsed. (UUM-1228). That gives you rows and columns. Not upgradable automatically. (UUM-21784). VariableGridLayoutGroup The built-in GridLayoutGroup component in Unity's UI is limited to identical cell sizes specified in the inspector. Learn how to build a menu with switchable panels and a flexible grid layout tool in Unity!Making UI that Looks Good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwdweCX5aMITab System: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=211t6r12XPQLocalisation Tool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-dzg4M20wY--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Want to support the channel? HDRP: Added a material type for thin objects with colored transmission. (UUM-20797) Fixed in 2023.2.0a12. SRP Core: Added: new VolumeManager API to manage default volume profiles. This fix helps with poping by adding a new setting to the HDRP asset. GI: Added geometry warnings for invalid meshes in LightBaker. (UUM-9542), Editor: Fixed a bug with animation preview. (UUM-27170), UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue in the UI Builder so the open file dialog now displays the current project's folder. UI Toolkit: Added: Added drag and drop API for collection views; canStartDrag, setupDragAndDrop, dragAndDropUpdate and handleDrop, similar to what exists in IMGUI. XR: Updated XR Core-Utils version to 2.2.0. (UUM-26885), Editor: Fixed an OS key binding exception in ShortcutManager. Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 524.3 kB each and 1.0 MB total. Package Manager: Added a new sidebar with a search field that is specific to sections in the Package Manager. Universal RP: Fixed a light cookie out of bounds. (UUM-21001), UI Toolkit: Added missing support for TreeView reordering, including depth reordering, expansion when hovering an expandable item, and sibling drop marker. (UUM-28889). By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. URP: Fixed a null exception when adding a sorting layer. HDRP: Fixed the world position offset in water CPU simulation. Build Pipeline: Added a warning message when BuildPlayerOptions.assetBundleManifestPath is not set with the expected file. This fix enables using the offscreen swapchain while loading finishes and creates a real swapchain. Asset Pipeline: Added: AssetDatabase.TryGetAssetFolderInfo which can be used to know if a certain path is being tracked by the AssetDatabase and can handle import dependencies and asset imports. Android: Deprecated: Deprecate OnPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject in favor of OnModifyAndroidProjectFiles. Burst: Fixed that some changes made to versioned assemblies wouldn't get picked up and compiled by Burst. If you want a grid with both a flexible width and height you can do that, but you will have no control over the specific number of rows and columns. This enables memory usage to be more predictable when using larger lightmap sizes. (UUM-23065), Editor: Added a restriction to SetParent() to prevent a crash. 0 This affects the behavior of WebCamTexture, Microphone, and OBB loading: they will fail on the first attempt due to missing permissions (no webcam/microphone found and no obbs loaded). (UUM-30940), Editor: Disabled math expressions on Constrain Proportion Scale multi-selection and updated the relevant documentation. (UUM-26824), URP: Fixed a gbuffer resource leak in URP deferred. (UUM-22474), iOS: Fixed a memory leak when using GL.Clear in MonoBehaviour Update/LateUpdate. Please, Unity Grid Layout Group with dynamic cells, How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. Here is a script I made: You have to define how many items you want per line, and the ratio width/height of the cells. Here are suggested ways of using the Layout System with a Content Size Fitter: To setup a grid with a flexible width and fixed height, where the grid expands horizontally as more elements are added, you can set these properties as follows: If unconstrained Vertical Fit is used, its up to you to give the grid a height that is big enough to fit the specified row count of cells. Version Control: Changed the onboarding workflow and the icons for Unity Version Control rebranding. IL2CPP: Enabled UnityLinker to now use Server GC, which reduces its runtime by 15%-20%. Answers and Comments, Is there a way to use ScaleMode.Scaletofit on buttons? Added new methods for binding an acceleration structure (Shader.SetGlobalRayTracingAccelerationStructure, CommandBuffer.SetGlobalRayTracingAccelerationStructure). Editor: Changed the default value of GizmoUtility.iconSize from 0.03 to 0.01, making 3D gizmos smaller by default. // If children size change in editor, update layout (case 945680 - Child GameObjects in a Horizontal/Vertical Layout Group don't display their correct position in the Editor), https://bitbucket.org/Unity-Technologies/ui, https://bitbucket.org/ddreaper/unity-ui-extensions, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/p-in-unity3d-as-per-horizontallayoutgroup-etc, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. (UUM-31313), Editor: Fixed overlay not being resizable while docked. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. (DOTSE-1995), Editor: Enabled GameObjects from the 31st layer to be rendered when Camera.cullingMask is set to Everything. Apple TV: Added: Added identifier for 3rd generation Apple TV 4K. Previously, the clouds were synced through a global time, leading to discrepencies with cameras that update at different rates. (UUM-31031), Linux: Fixed Linux IL2CPP builds not producing stack trace. The number of concurrent requests is six by default, but it can be changed by setting the UPM_GIT_MAX_CONCURRENT_COMMANDS environment variable. iOS: Modified the iOS/tvOS launch screen to now be shown only by OS, and not shown again by Unity itself. Android SDK Level 33 (Tiramisu) support is now available. Put UI image to Grid Layout Group Unity C#. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. What is this brick with a round back and a stud on the side used for? Burst: Fixed "An item with the same key has already been added" compiler error that could occur when duplicate field names were present in obfuscated assemblies. Burst: Fixed a stall that could occur at Editor shutdown. Shaders: Reduced the time spent in the asset post processing code for shader assets, which speeds up the import of shaders. When upgrading from older Unity versions (2022.2 or older), the Application Entry Point will default to Activity. (UUM-18382). /// Configures a on same GameObject to have. (UUM-5139), Editor: Fixed PlayerSettings.SetAdditionalIl2CppArgs not being respected. Constraint the grid to a fixed number of rows or columns to aid the auto layout system. Tests: Replaced tests in CodebaseTests.cs with a Yamato job that can run on each PR. (UUM-21873), HDRP: Fixed transparent decal textures being added into atlas even if the material properties have disabled them.

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